Cancer Center at Larkin


Cancer Center Event Flyer

Creative Challenge:

Create an enticing call to action flyer in support of an upcoming cancer center walk event.

My Designer Intent:

I wanted to create something that is eye catching and engaging through the use of strong coloring as a compliment to a clear and related image.



Social Media Thank You Card Design

A fun design that I created to use on social media as a thank you to all supporters of the cancer walk associated with the Cancer center. The way that I wanted to approach this piece with the mind to create a sincere and warm design to convey that heartfelt emotion and I took inspiration in and decided to use the idea of water color to do so. All of the elements of this design are completely digital and I stress that because I want to be certain that I could create a design that looked very much like it was created using actual watercolor tools.  

Instagram Version

Instagram Version


Social Media/E-mail Blast Design