Why Your Passion is So Important

The idea of being passionate about something is one we should all be able to use to get us to the place in our lives that we would like to be for achieving personal happiness. Finding out what makes me happy, what gives me a sense of fulfillment in my everyday life is something that I have always hoped could come naturally over time. It is in no way as easy as it sounds though, I know. It took me a very long time to figure out how exactly I was going to go about learning what things in life, if any, made me happy to be a part of. Learning how to implement them into my life in such a way that I could gain long-term satisfaction with having whatever it was a part of the life rest of my days was another issue but, I found a ton of satisfaction in challenging myself with figuring it out. Having a passion for something, the way I see it, allows my brain to place the thought of incorporating it repeatedly within my life and within my mind positively, so much so that it does not allow for stagnation but offers fulfillment.

You thrive productively and beneficially on getting more and more exposure to it and you relish the idea of becoming the best in it over time and not just for the sake of the moment. You should begin to do it out of natural habit and personal satisfaction rather than unconscious obligation and you continue to learn and grow from it every chance you get to do so. THAT is motivation through passion! Photography and travel are two things that give me that. Going to tons of different places around the world, meeting new people, and exposing myself to fresh cultural nuances and understandings, all while documenting that journey through the imaginative and creative shots that I take has taken me to some pretty crazy places and allowed me to cross paths with some very amazing and interesting people. I hope to engage with you and to inspire in those that read these words a spark to motivate yourself with finding your own passion.

Even if it is something that you do, from time to time or outside of your career aspirations, do not be afraid to pursue what you love in life. You just may be surprised by where it may take you. In conclusion, don’t be afraid to do what you love and let the idea of one day being able to say that you do something that you love and enjoy for a living be a guide for you. The sense of fulfillment you may gain from those words is well worth the time it will take you before you are able to do so but, we all know how that saying goes by now “Nothing worth having is easily obtained.”