To Be Grounded
For some time now, I've encountered, again and again, the question of the relevance of what grounds me.
What does it mean to be grounded?
Confronting this idea through conversations with others or contemplations on my mind when it wanders away from me, something seems to be pulling me towards understanding it. In a way, like I do, to better articulate and apply it. So I begin.
The notion of what it means to be grounded can seem simple in theory and is more difficult in practice. As I think more about it, I comprehend it in 2 forms. Them being presence and spirit. To be grounded in where you are is to be present, a connectedness to something outside yourself. Something to tie yourself to, spurring momentum towards engaging with and influencing your environment and the people within in a more productive way. Firmly rooted in the now and what you can do instead of worrying so much about the past or future.
To be grounded in who you are means to understand what drives you. To establish what motivates the things that you do and the virtues that guide those decisions. It embodies the spirit of you. It allows for internal growth and development that can improve the parts of you that feed into other areas of meaning in your life. It is the cornerstone of you, where the rest of your foundation begins.
I enjoy where I am. Although I did not always, I realize now that there is no other place where I belong. I'll make the best of where I am while I am here. The more I remain settled, the easier it becomes to weather the storms and tribulations life has for me and to do so without resentment or bitterness. There is much to learn.
I'll do my best to make where I am, in life and spirit, as great a place as I can. Along the way, with all of the progress and accomplishments that come with these adventures that I find myself on, my appreciation grows with the more I discover.
I'm grateful to be.