The Beauty and Struggle of Connection

Over the years, I've had countless conversations with many unique individuals willing to share their views. I feel fortunate to say as much. I've developed my perspective on this by better comprehending the information I'm given and reflecting on my previous life experiences. That work has made the way I approach the connections I make, both old and new, more meaningful.

Connection in its purest form involves some level of vulnerability. It enhances the quality of our lives when done right, and the utility of its presence, when maintained in a healthy form, is untold. When we lack the receptivity to understand and share who we are, forming the close bonds that sustain us across a lifetime becomes very difficult. The vulnerability needed to build and support healthy connections blossoms within us and matures as a result of the internal work done by us.

I believe we have a habit of taking people and the significance their company truly holds to us for granted. Maybe we don't vocalize it enough. Neither giving the gratitude of that to those individuals nor ourselves. To share it with others more fruitfully, we must first be willing to extend it to ourselves. Understanding who we are and how best we identify with ourselves and, in turn, the world around us makes it easier to build bonds with others. Not simpler, just easier. It can be challenging to manage. To know when and how to do it effectively, but it's not time wasted when done in good spirits.

Maybe the willingness to discern what we believe and who we are is how we overcome the struggle and gain an appreciation for it that helps strengthen our relationships and grow them into prosperous ones. It won't happen all at once, but I'll improve as I give them the time and effort required.